If the key is valid, the page allows you to choose your version and edition of Office and offers download links for the setup file. Activate Office 2013 Using KMS Office 2019 4.

Activate Office 2013 Using KMS Auto Lite Without Product Key 2.

This Microsoft Office Product Key can be activated by entering the key offline. How to Activate Office 2013 Permanently by Using a Product Key How to Activate Microsoft Office 2013 Offline 1. Step 3: Type in your 25-character Office product key. You can uninstall the Microsoft Office product key using Command Prompt. Using the above provision, you can check if your Office product key is valid. If you don’t know, you will be glad to know that you can download Office 2013 or later version of Office from Microsoft by entering a valid Office key. You probably know that you can download your Office 2013 or later from Microsoft by entering the product key. Method 2 of 2 Check if Office key is valid using Office download page If you have an older version of Microsoft Office, you will need to uninstall it before. If you use a Microsoft service like, OneDrive, Xbox Live, or Skype, you already have an account. If you are still getting “Sorry, but we cannot find that product key” message, contact Microsoft support first and then also contact the vendor from whom you bought your copy of Microsoft Office. If the virtual support agent says that the 25-character product key is not valid, please make sure that you have typed all characters correctly and entered using the above format. Make sure you have the correct product key and try entering it again” message. If the key is invalid, you will get “Sorry, but we cannot find that product key. Step 3: If the product key is valid, you will get a link to download your version of Office. Step 2: Enter your 25-character Office 2013 or Office 2016 product key (XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX in this format) and then press Enter key.